Installing MonoTools

Pip installation

MonoTools is installable via pip, so the following should work: pip install monotools

Installing direct from GitHub

Alternatively, to run the most up-to-date development version, you can run git clone, cd into the MonoTools folder, then run pip install . (plus make sure the folder where MonoTools is installed is included in your $PYTHONPATH, e.g. by adding export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/dir:\$PYTHONPATH to your .bashrc file).

The $MONOTOOLSDIR environment variable

The default location to store files is within the installed MonoTools package (i.e. MonoTools/MonoTools/data). However, this can be modified with the environment variable $MONOTOOLSDIR (e.g. by placing export MONOTOOLSDIR="/path/to/new/folder/" in your .bashrc file).

Mac OSX users may need to make sure PyMC3, exoplanet and theano are all properly installed, which require GCC (e.g. using brew install gcc) and C libraries are present.

Be aware that monotools only works with python 3 and will almost certainly break on windows.